PRIVACY Start using our free Annual Wheel for your compliance tasks
Gain a comprehensive overview of your compliance activities with our versatile annual wheel, designed to support a broad range of standards including GDPR, NIS2, and ISO. This tool allows you to effectively organize and manage tasks across your organization, leveraging an associated task management board for streamlined operations.

Comprehensive Compliance Planning and Monitoring

Integrated Task Management and Notifications
Product updates

Versatile Application for Various Compliance Standards and Custom Frameworks

Enhanced Collaboration and Accountability
Why You Should Use Our Free Annual Compliance Wheel

Seamless Certification Support

Free Access to Premium Features

Customisable Task and Activity Creation
Tailor the annual wheel to meet your specific operational and compliance requirements, from setting up custom tasks for regulatory areas to managing daily business operations. This customization ensures the tool's relevance and utility across all aspects of your organization.

Sign-off Functionality for Ultimate Assurance
The sign-off feature provides a final layer of verification, ensuring that all tasks, once completed, receive formal approval from responsible individuals. This mechanism reinforces the integrity of your compliance efforts and guarantees accountability at every step.
VIDEOGUIDES See how you do
View more Privacy videos here
General Privacy
Standard processing activities
Processing activity flow
Annual wheel
Risk assessment

Try Privacy on your own or let us help you get started
Get a demonstration of the system based on your needs. Or try the system for yourself with a 30-day free trial.

ACTIVITIES Plan your annual wheel activities
Use the annual wheel to plan your GDPR activities for a calendar year.
What activities should be carried out? How often should they be carried out? And who is responsible for it being done?
Get an overall overview of your annual wheel and give the responsible the opportunity to solve the specific tasks that they should solve.
With the annual wheel you can ...

GET A GOOD START Get help with which activities and controls you must complete
Choose your annual wheel activities in our catalogue of standard tasks- and controls.
The catalogue has been made in collaboration with experts from Bech-Bruun and gives you a good starting point for your planning of GDPR activities.
Get help on how the individual activity should be solved through the incorporated sub-tasks, which give the responsible person a checklist to work with.

TASK MANAGEMENT Delegate tasks in your organisation
Task management gives you the opportunity to delegate specific tasks in the organisation.
Each responsible user can get an overview of their tasks and can mark progress, pass the task on and upload documentation.
Privacy automatically sends notifications to the responsible person to ensure that the right people are reminded when the deadlines of the tasks are approaching.

OVERVIEW Use as an operational tool and for reporting
Use the annual wheel and task management as an operational tool to ensure that the organisation completes the planned activities.
Get an overview of overdue activities and thus an overview of where extra follow-up is needed.
Export annual reports, which can be used both internally and externally to provide an overview of the GDPR work in the organisation.
Do you want to learn more about Privacy?
More about Privacy
Relevant articles
What does it cost?
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