Experience Privacy Pro: Collaborate Easily on GDPR Documentation

As someone who frequently interacts with users and organizations that utilize Privacy for their GDPR documentation, I'm excited to introduce a brand new Pro plan that addresses many of the challenges experienced by organizations collaborating on documentation. This product plan includes several new features that make it even easier for organizations to collaborate on GDPR documentation and ensure compliance with the documentation requirements in the regulation.

The entire Privacy team and I are thrilled to finally present the following features.

The three primary features of the Pro plan include:


  1. Advanced Role Management: This feature allows administrators to design user roles and determine what each user should see based on their role in the organization. This means that information becomes more specific to the individual, improving efficiency and collaboration within the team. Any potential noise is removed for each user, allowing them to focus solely on their specific knowledge related to GDPR rules.

For eksempel kan en organisation med HR, Legal og IT-afdelinger effektivt samarbejde om GDPR-dokumentation ved hjælp af Privacy-platformens avancerede rollestyring. Hver afdeling kan bidrage til en behandlingsaktivitet som "Rekruttering" og sikre, at alle aspekter vedrørende persondata og GDPR-compliance er dækket. Samtidig behøver de ikke at forholde sig til informationer, der ligger udenfor deres fagområde. På den måde bliver hver enkelt brugerflade mere målrettet den enkelte bruger/rolle. Alt imens den GDPR-ansvarlige kan have det fulde overblik og kan validere den endelige proces.

At the beginning of the year, I shared some thoughts on our ambitions for this feature, and I am delighted that the final solution has exceeded my expectations.


  1. Comment Module on Processing Activities: This feature allows colleagues to communicate directly within their processing activities, moving communication from emails to the specific registration in the Privacy platform. This makes it easier to track and document work on processing activities.

With the comment module, all knowledge about processing activities is anchored in one place. Information that was previously scattered in different emails between colleagues is now gathered and more easily accessible for all involved. This improves knowledge sharing across departments and makes collaboration on GDPR documentation easier. It also ensures that no information is lost, and having the complete history in one place is an advantage for the responsible person when they need to get an overview of the documented work.


  1. Custom Lists: The Pro plan includes an advanced list module that enables users to create their own dynamic lists based on a wide range of filtering options and data views. This creates a better overview and makes it easier to ensure that everyone contributes what they should.

Custom lists are particularly valuable for larger organizations where many employees contribute to GDPR documentation. The feature allows GDPR-responsible persons, DPOs, and management to get an overview of progress across departments and ensure that everyone meets their responsibilities within data protection. It can be challenging to predict precisely what overview you need and when, but with custom lists, you get a flexible tool with no limitations for creating overviews.

The Pro package, of course, also includes all standard Privacy features. You can get a comprehensive overview of all features in both packages here.

Privacy Pro Plan

It is possible to upgrade from Privacy standard to Privacy Pro today. A unit in Privacy Pro costs 60 kr instead of the 40 kr in the standard plan. Privacy Pro can be purchased by both existing and new Privacy customers. The price includes all the same terms and conditions as the standard package, and existing customers can even try the new Pro features for free for 30 days before deciding to upgrade.

Privacy Pro, of course, also includes all the features that are already available in the Privacy standard plan.

To access the Pro features, simply reach out to me at joa@dotlegal.com, and I'll make sure you get started smoothly. And remember, whether you are on the standard package or the Pro plan, all .legal customers receive unlimited support on the Privacy platform.

In summary, the Privacy platform's Pro plan is a fantastic solution for organizations looking to take their GDPR documentation and data protection to a new level. With features such as advanced role management, comment module, and customizable lists, collaboration on GDPR documentation becomes a much easier and more streamlined process. With the Privacy platform's Pro plan, our clear goal is to make work on GDPR compliance more manageable and efficient.

On our website, you can read more about our GDPR platform and how Privacy can help you improve your GDPR work. Here, you will also find a section about Privacy Pro and the tools it provides for your GDPR efforts. Be sure to keep an eye on our blog for more news and updates on GDPR rules, data protection, and how the Privacy platform can help you navigate this complex area.


Johannes Eyolf Aagaard


Are you interested in a meeting where you can inquire more about the Pro plan? You can always reach out to Johannes at +45 3028 28 01 or joa@dotlegal.com


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