Boost your GDPR work with Privacy's annual wheel and task management

Do you have an overview of all the GDPR activities you need to fulfil over the course of a year? If not, you're certainly not alone. Planning, following up and reporting on a GDPR annual wheel can be a complex task, and where exactly should you start? And how can you ensure that GDPR activities can be spread out to more people in the organisation?

The new annual wheel and task management in Privacy provides an answer to this. And we are very pleased to present you with this new tool that can help with the above issues.


Watch a short presentation of the new annual wheel and task management in Privacy  (in danish)

The ambition with the new Privacy Wheel and task management is to provide you and your colleagues with an intuitive tool that you can use to facilitate your work with GDPR in everyday life. It can quickly become an unmanageable task if your GDPR work has to be managed on post-it notes or in shared documents, and you have a lot of other tasks on the side.

That is why we want to give you structure, overview and flexibility - in a tool that is quick to get started with and will quickly add value to you and your organisation.

With the annual wheel, you get the overall opportunity to:

  • To plan your organisation's GDPR activities over the course of a year
  • Access a catalogue of a range of standard tasks and controls developed by Bech-Bruun experts
  • Delegate tasks to colleagues so that GDPR becomes a collaborative effort instead of a single person's task
  • Use knowledge from Privacy to ensure that all processing activities are validated
  • Get an overview of the tasks that need to be completed for an activity to be finalised
  • Add the tasks you need to complete to your Outlook calendar and be reminded automatically by email when the task deadline is approaching


Get started quickly


Example of a planned annual wheel with activities spread over the year and progress status

We've developed the wheel based on the same principles as the rest of Privacy. Which means that we have designed an intuitive, simple and user-friendly wheel to give you a clear tool to help you plan your GDPR activities. At the same time, the wheel gives you a quick overview of planned activities and progress, which of course can also be shared with others, both internally and externally.

But which activities should you plan in your annual wheel? It can be overwhelming to be faced with a "blank canvas" that you then have to fill in. We want to help with that too. In collaboration with experts from Bech-Bruun, we have compiled a catalogue of GDPR activities and controls. At the time of writing, you will find 40 activities that you can plan in your annual wheel. Another advantage of using activities from the catalogue is that you can gain access to Bech-Bruun's best practices in relation to the execution of the activity. Bech-Bruun's best practices in the execution of the activity. The catalogue might even inspire you and make you aware of activities that should be done, but which you might not have done before.

The annual wheel makes it easy and quick to plan how often you want to carry out each activity and who is responsible for it. Here you have the option to delegate an activity to both a department or a specific person. This way, you and your colleagues can collaborate on GDPR work, and you also ensure that each activity is revisited at regular intervals.


Work together to be GDPR compliant

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Each user gets an overview of the tasks they need to fulfil

Of course, the value of an annual wheel is only realised when it is up and running and the specific tasks are carried out. The aim is to make it easy for you and your colleagues to work together to realise the activities you have planned over the course of a year. For this purpose, we have created: Task management, which is a more operational project tool where the individual user can get an overview of which tasks they need to solve.

To put it simply, the annual wheel is fulfilled as all responsible persons complete and mark their tasks as completed. To help with this, each employee gets access to their task board, but all standard activities from our catalogue are also born with a number of sub-tasks that can be used as a checklist in relation to the execution of each activity. the execution of the individual activity. In other words, we want to help with how an activity is solved and ensure that the individual responsible person gets round all the corners.

It is also possible to hand over the task to a colleague, write a comment, create your own sub-tasks and upload documentation on the task.

The individual user gets access to their task board, but you will also be able to view tasks across e.g. a department and see if there are any tasks that end up in "overdue tasks" and thus require extra attention.

Be reminded when you need to complete a task

In a busy day-to-day life, there is always a risk that you forget to check your GDPR annual wheel and what tasks you need to complete this month. That's why we've thought about how you can get information out of Privacy when it's relevant to you. And how your GDPR tasks can become part of the context in which you work on a daily basis. That's why Privacy will automatically remind you by email when the deadline for a task is approaching. And at the same time, you will be able to easily add your GDPR tasks to your Outlook calendar, bringing them closer to your everyday life.


Regular updates on changes in legislation

One of the advantages of using our standard activities and controls is that we keep the catalogue up to date. This may be because a completely new activity is created, or because we change the set-up of an existing activity. This way, you are sure to be updated if your planned activities are affected by changes in legislation.


Use the annual wheel to ensure that all your processing activities are validated

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Validation flows are carried out at regular intervals for each process

The quality of your GDPR documentation depends on you and your colleagues regularly revisiting and updating it. The circular calendar can help you with this, with our dynamic "validation of processing activities" activity. You plan this in your circular calendar, as with other activities, but then you and your colleagues will automatically be assigned tasks based on all current and new treatment activities that are created.

This way, you also get an overview at the treatment activity level of whether there are any treatments that need to be validated, who has validated them and when.

With the brand new validation module in Privacy, it will be much easier for you to make sure that the person responsible for each treatment activity regularly revisits the documentation. This will ensure that your documentation is up to date and that you always have an updated record at hand.

If you are already using Privacy today, you have the possibility to access the following features. If you have not yet activated the module, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you are not yet using Privacy, but are curious about how both the circular calendar and the rest of the Privacy platform work, you have the opportunity to get a demo or start a free trial, demo or start a free trial and we will help you get started. You can also read more about Privacy here.


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